Northern Health Nurses Convene in Vancouver Ahead of Bargaining Discussions

January 23, 2025

Nurses from BC’s rural and remote communities will lay out priorities, address systemic health-care challenges

Close to 150 nurses who work in communities across northern BC are attending a two-day bargaining conference in Vancouver this week to discuss the unique health-care challenges they face and establish bargaining priorities ahead of provincial bargaining talks later this year.

The nurses are employed by Northern Health and Provincial Health Services authorities and work in some of the most remote and underserved areas of the province. They are coming together to share their first-hand experiences and look at ways they can advocate for changes to chronic issues such as staffing shortages, nurse safety and workplace violence.

“Providing health care in rural and northern communities has always been demanding, but the challenges have grown in recent years,” says BCNU President Adriane Gear. “This gathering is an opportunity for us to come together, raise our voices and ensure the needs of these communities are addressed.”

Over the last few months, BCNU has hosted several regional bargaining conferences with members from all of the health authorities across BC, where nurses have shared regional concerns, brought forward bargaining proposals and heard from union leaders about the ongoing push for improvements to the health-care system.

Gear says it’s time for health employers to understand that BC’s nurses are holding them accountable.

“From the fishing villages of Haida Gwaii to Dawson Creek and all the communities in between, nurses who live and work in northern BC are determined to make health care better for patients and the communities they care for.”

To set up an interview, please contact BCNU Communications at Click here for BCNU’s full regional bargaining conference schedule.

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