
Members urged to ask provincial election candidates to commit to a BC plan to ensure safe nursing practice
April 23, 2013
The Cost of Unsafe Work Conditions
April 22, 2013
Enabling Licensed Practical Nurses to join other nurses in the same bargaining association will improve patient care by maximizing efficiencies and collaboration among nurses and with employers
April 15, 2013
Enabling LPNs to join RNs and RPNs in the same bargaining association will improve patient care by allowing better collaboration among nurses and with employers
April 15, 2013
They deliver gigantic postcards covered with voters' signatures gathered this week in the Premier's constituency
April 12, 2013
Survey reveals over 90% of respondents have experienced the signs and symptoms of RSI
April 11, 2013
New wage rates for BCNU members in the Nurses' Bargaining Association and Facilities Bargaining Association, effective April 1, 2013
April 11, 2013
They're pleased the Liberal government passed legislation to bring nurses together and urge them to bring it into force now
April 11, 2013
On March 28th the BC government notified BCNU and UPN it had passed orders in council transferring Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission (FPSC), Oak Bay Lodge, and the Lodge at Broadmead out of the public service, effective June 1, 2013.
April 08, 2013
The requirement for 250 hours of supervised practice when an Internationally Educated Nurse (IEN) has passed the national exam and is waiting to begin work in BC has been removed.
April 05, 2013
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