News and Events

Nominations Committee Election: Deadline for Nominations is April 15
March 04, 2016
If you are eligible to vote, employers must provide paid time off to vote on October 19
October 13, 2015
Executive Councillor - Health and Safety: Adriane Gear
June 26, 2015
The special election nominations for Executive Councillor - Health and Safety are complete.
May 26, 2015
Congratulations to all nurses who ran in BC's recent municipal elections.
November 21, 2014
Support BCNU members running in municipal elections across BC
November 06, 2014
Leaders elected in the BC Nurses' Union provincial and regional elections held last March assumed office September 1.
September 02, 2014
The campaign period for candidates running in the BC Nurses' Union 2014 elections has begun.
February 04, 2014
BCNU members are called to nominate a candidate for the Nominations Committee whose term will begin immediately upon their election and run until August 31, 2016.
January 24, 2014

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