Ratios Save Lives

Drawing of a Nurse with many patients of differing ages around them

BCNU is championing minimum nurse-to-patient ratios (mNPR), a staffing standard of one nurse for every four patients in medical/surgical units, 24/7. British Columbia will become the first province in Canada to establish mNPR, which will help improve health care for patients and nurses. Learn more.


The Ratios Save Lives campaign aims to educate the public on how simple the math really is: with the appropriate ratio applied, optimal nurse staffing levels enable nurses to provide the high-quality care patients deserve. As part of this initiative, we have developed a series of 15-second digital ads that highlight the crucial role of nurse-to-patient ratios in ensuring patient safety and quality care. These quick animations will be featured across all digital platforms, including social media, streaming service providers, and online. Watch the ads and learn more by visiting the campaign website.

VISIT Ratiossavelives.ca

New Radio Ad 

A BCNU province-wide radio ad will be heard across the airwaves Aug. 19 - Sept. 20 to raise awareness about the importance of minimum nurse-to-patient ratios. The radio ad is part of an ad campaign running ahead of the provincial election that also includes outdoor, social media, and digital ads. This pre-election campaign aims to raise awareness and encourage voters to prioritize health care as they head to the polls in the provincial election. 

Listen to the radio ad:

Audio file

Globe and Mail Articles

BCNU sponsored a three-part series in the Globe and Mail focusing on the benefits of minimum nurse-to-patient ratios for health care in BC. 


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