Protecting and Improving Medicare

BCNU strongly supports Canada's publicly-funded, publicly-administered and publicly-delivered medicare. Medicare, our public health insurance plan, is the fairest, most efficient way of organizing health care services, with access based on patients' medical need not on income. BCNU strongly opposes private, for-profit health care.

Supporting patients’ legal action against illegal private clinic fees

Since 2003, BCNU has been engaged in actions aimed at stopping private for-profit clinics from charging fees to patients for services that are covered by medicare. The legal action has evolved into support for a group patients who were charged the fees.

While the BC Supreme Court has issued a stay of proceedings in the case, the patients – supported by BCNU - have been given enhanced intervenor status in a case launched by private healthcare proponent Dr. Brian Day aimed at overturning the laws of medicare. As part of the case, the Court ordered a government audit of Day’s clinic which was conducted earlier in 2011.

Supporting the BC Health Coalition

Take action to support positive public healthcare solutions and read more about the work of the BC Health Coalition.


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